Vidigal Wines is a family run, medium-size wine company that produces still and dessert wines.

Located in the center of Portugal, nearby the city of Leiria and acquired in the 90’s by the current Managing Director, António Mendes Lopes, Vidigal went through several advances in winemaking, marketing and sales that have allowed them to grow substantially.

António Lopes has over 30 years of experience in the wine world and actively participates in the process of wine making together with his two main oenologists: António Ventura (Portuguese Oenologist of the year 2006) and Rafael Neuparth.

Vidigal is one of the top exporting wine companies in Portugal and sells in over 30 countries, commercializing 40 different types of wines.

In terms of production, Vidigal has grower partnerships in 1,112 acres of vineyards in Lisbon, as well as in other Portuguese wine regions including Tagus, Douro, Alentejo, Dão, Beiras and Vinho Verde.

Vidigal Wines: “the best wine at the best possible price”.


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