At Elixir we take pride in our ability to produce a number of the wines we sell. 

With our own Argentine winery stronger than ever (Bodega Calle & La Yunta), and more than 20 harvests under our belt, we decided to take our love for cool climate Pinot Noir to the logical next step making some here in our home state of Oregon. 

Through the years, industry veterans, Robert Brittan and Steve Ryan have acted as our consulting winemakers. Today, winemaking is a collaborative father-daughter effort between Elixir President, Kirk Ermisch and his daughter Hannah, a trained winemaker. In 2019, production moved to Elixir Headquarters in Bend, OR upon completion of Ermisch’s boutique commercial winery. 

Everyone in our small company has lent a hand in this project, from the sorting table, to cellar work, to bottling. We’ve always preferred complexity and character over power, and the Willamette Valley vineyard sources we’re utilizing reflect that with each passing year.

As with all the wines we make. Grapes are hand picked, carefully fermented in separate lots in open top fermenters and then aged in French oak barrels for a year prior to bottling.


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