Michel Rolland was first brought to Argentina and Cafayate by Arnaldo Etchart in 1988. Seduced by the remarkable potential of an old Malbec vineyard 6,700 feet above sea level, Michel and Arnaldo created a partnership to make the wines of San Pedro de Yacochuya.

From the 60-year-old vines of Finca Yacochuya in Valles Calchaquíes, the grapes are handpicked and the wines are aged in French oak barrels. Yacochuya wines were the first to be barrel-fermented in Argentina. These wines are the ultimate combination of the Finca Yacochuya vineyard, the Etchart family’s grape growing knowledge in this unique high-altitude region of Cafayate, along with the passion and expertise from one of the world’s pre-eminent winemakers, Michel Rolland. 


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